In 1886, our iconic brand was born. Today, it is still a symbol of quality. Göran Fredrik Göransson founded Högbo Stål and Jernwerks AB in Sweden to produce the highest quality steel, pioneering the Bessemer process and unknowingly laying the groundwork for our first saw blade. After Göran Fredrik Göransson had established his steel mill in 1862, the European steel industry in the eighteen seventies had a long depression with low prices for general steel and crude steel products. The prices for processed steel were much better, which created an interest in processing the steel further. In 1876 the existing steel rolling mill was changed to produce so-called milled steel. When the production of saw blades commenced in 1886 there was a need for a brand, which could communicate the blades' special properties and quality, and the choice was - quite naturally - the fish and hook.
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